VIDEO PREMIERE: "Virginia" by Elizabeth Wyld
Elizabeth Wyld
A Celebration of Strength and Freedom.
LGBTQIA+ indie/folk artist Elizabeth Wyld has captured our hearts in more ways than one. Where to begin? Wyld has overcome quite a few obstacles in her journey and hasn't let any of that stop her. If anything, she has evolved into the promising act she is today.
A few years ago, she was an actress with regular callbacks for broadway shows and an agent. That alone in a city like New York is enough of a success in itself. However, Elizabeth was struggling to play the most important role there is as she denied her sexuality. A character no one else can play but yourself and that is your role in living your most authentic life. On top of that, she was later diagnosed with unilateral vocal fold paralysis, which caused her career to come to a sudden stop. That prompted her to be silent for six months. Six months in which she started writing lyrics, playing the guitar, and even embracing her sexuality. And then, thankfully, after minor surgery, her voice came back.
The rural Northern Virginia native is now hard at work on her debut LP 'Quiet Years' due this summer, and has just released a song from the upcoming project. "Virginia" showcases Wyld's powerful vocals and her affinity for meaningful and creative lyrics.
“Virginia” came from a place of remembrance... it’s the story of my coming-of-age in a town I felt I didn’t belong. But also a celebration of the strength and freedom that’s born from shedding your skin and coming into your own as an adult. ”
It’s safe to say Elizabeth is now known for her distinct style that blends indie rock and emo sensibilities with folk and pop - a total indie songstress, and we cannot wait to listen to ‘Quiet Years’!
A hand-animated video accompanies her new track, which we have the honor of premiering exclusively! Watch below:
Written by Piera Lolandes